Prerequisite - See Related Article: How to Navigate Events, Under Booking, in Event Management
1 - From the Events screen, click on the + ADD button in the lower left corner of the screen.
2 - This brings you to a screen that has two headers: NEW EVENT and ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.
3 - Under NEW EVENT , there are five boxes to fill out.
EVENT NAME = The name of the Event for which you are adding a booking.
EVENT DESCRIPTION = Small description of the event.
SYNOPSIS = Short explanation of the feature itself.
LENGTH (MINUTES) = How long is the event.
EVENT GROUP = When you type in this box, any croup that has already been created will pop up. Otherwise, if what you are typing has no matches, it will create this as a group.
4 - Under ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, there are four more sections.
4.1 - CATEGORY - This is a drop-box. Choose the appropriate category from the drop-box.
4.2 - EVENT DATE/TIME : You can type in a date and type but the easier method is to click on the Calendar symbol (green box) and Time symbol (purple box).
4.3 - SUGGESTED TICKET PRICE: In this section, type in the amount that should be charged for this event. There is no need for a dollar symbol ($), just type in the number.
Twelve Dollars = 12
Twelve Dollars and 50 cents = 12.50
4.4 - MEMO TEMPLATE: Choose from the drop-box whether the event is a DCP Event or a Dish Live event.
5 - The next step is to click the SAVE button in the lower right corner of the screen.
6 - This will bring you to the EVENTS screen. Here you can fill in the rest of the fields.
NOTE: For information on what these fields mean See Related Article: How to Edit a Booking in Event Management