1 - From Command Center, click on the drop box in the upper part of the screen (orange box). Select THEATER MANAGEMENT from the list (blue box).
2 - This will bring you to the Theater Management Home Screen. You need to search out a specific site before you can access the links in the left margin (purple box).
3 - On the Home Screen, there are a number of search field. The first is THEATER NAME (purple box). You type the name of the theater and hit the SEARCH button (orange box). This will bring up a number of theater names that include your search criteria.
4 - You can further filter your search by filling in the various fields. You can fill in any or all of these fields.
4.1 - The CITY the theater is located in:
4.2 - The THEATER ID of the desired theater:
4.3 - The STATE/PROVINCE is a drop box where you can search by a State or Province that your desired theater is in.
4.4 - You can input an address in the STREET ADDRESS box.
4.5 - You can search by a country by choosing from the COUNTRY drop box.
5 - Once you have filled out your search criteria and hit search, select your theater from the list that comes up.
6 - This will bring you to the GENERAL section. This shows the general information that is listed for the theater.
7 - You will also see there are links to the left that will tell you the ADDRESS and LOCATIONS (auditoriums).
See Related Article: How to Update Theater Information