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How to Navigate Settings in Trailer Placement (*)

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See Related Article: How to Find Trailer Placement in Cinergy


1 - Click SETTINGS in the left navigation bar.



2 - This will bring you to the settings screen.



3 - Under Group Management Method, you can decide how you want to manage your groups.  

- DEFAULT - In this view you will see all of your tiers and be able to click on theaters and move them into various tiers.

- TWO LIST - In this view you only you only see one tier at a time and you move the theater from the box on the left to the tier on the right.  Then you switch tiers via a drop box.

- DRAG & DROP - You can just slide theaters into various tiers.


4 - In this section,

Trailer Release Date in weeks prior to Scheduled Feature's Initial Release Date

Adjust this number to change the amount of weeks, before a feature's initial release, that trailers will be available.



5 - The "Enable Reserved Placement" button is limited to a specific exhibitor.  Most user would leave this unchecked.



6 - Under Thresholds, each slider should be adjusted.   Here is what each one means:

- Trailer Count - Adjust this slider to show the amount of trailers that can be assigned to a feature before an alert is sent out.

- Trailer Length (minutes) - This is not how long a specific trailer is.   It's a meter of the amount of time that trailers will go on prior to the feature.

- Individual Trailer Length (seconds) - This how long a single trailer can be before an alert is sent out.

- Limited Release Threshold - The Limited Release setting allows for administrators to set a threshold for features that have a limited release schedule. This is usually set for exhibitors who are choose to use the tier method for sending trailers placement schedules out to the theaters.

7 - The publish section lets you choose how you will send out your trailer schedule once you have it planned.


- Publish via Email - This is how you send out a an email with the schedule.   You can select an Email Template, whether to send it Tier Level or Site Level.   If you choose Site Level you have three levels of publishing.



- Publish via Remote Agent - If you have Remote Agent then this will automatically set your trailer schedule in your system.


8 - Under the Studio Visibility, you will be able to adjust what the Studios will see in your published schedules and whether or not you even notify the Studios via email of your schedules.

9 - The FORMATS section shows what formats you have allowed for features.  If you want to add a format you will click on +FORMAT in the lower left corner.

9.1 - When you click on this you get a pop-up and it's an open field.  You can type any format you need.   In this example, we use 70mm.

9.2 - Then click on the blue SAVE button.

9.3 - Then you will see it listed with the locked formats.  You will also notice there is a trashcan on the left (this will delete this format) and a pencil on the right side (this is how you can edit the name).


10 - Lastly, you must click SAVE to make all of your changes permanent.




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