1. Log in to the Partner Portal.
2. Go to Deployment -> Configuration Tool. This will open the Configuration Tool, and provide a search function so that the sites may be easily located.
3. Sites can be searched for by specifying an Exhibitor and State.
4. Or, sites can be searched for by specifying a Site Code or Site Name.
5. Once the appropriate search criteria has been entered, click the Search for Sites button to retrieve a list of matching sites.
6. A list to the right will be displayed with matching sites. To select the appropriate site, click either the link in the Site Code or Site column.
7. Ensure that the 3D Conversion Date or Standard Conversion Date is correct. The exact one to verify will depend on the type of conversion it was configured for. An incorrect conversion date will cause issues with the PO's if it is not first corrected.
8. Select the Auditorium or Central Asset to create PO's for by checking the appropriate boxes in the PO Create column.
9. Once all of the appropriate Auditoriums and Central Assets have been selected, click the Submit to Financials button in the upper right corner.
10. A "Please Confirm Your Site Details" window will open.
11. Specify whether the conversion will be 3D, Standard, or a Cabling/Network conversion.
12. Enter any Comments that may be needed.
13. Click the Save button once finished.
14. A confirmation message will appear once the Configuration data has been successfully
transmitted to the financial system.