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How to batch print PO's

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1. PO printing requires Crystal Reports software. If you do not have Crystal Reports contact DCIP Support.

2. Open Crystal Reports by going to Start->Programs->Remote Programs->Crystal Reports 2008.


. On some machines a security warning will be displayed. If so, click the Connect button.

NOTE: This message will only be seen on newer versions of the Windows Operating System.


4. A Windows Security message will be displayed.

5. Enter your username and password and then click OK.

NOTE: Login credentials are provided and maintained by the DCIP IT department. If you would like to request credentials, or are having problems with existing ones, contact DCIP Support.


6. After authenticating successfully, the Crystal Reports welcome screen will be displayed.

7. You may either select from the list of recently used reports,
8. You may choose the Open File option to select a different report.


10. To refresh the report, hit the F5 keyboard key. This will bring display a Refresh Report Data screen. Select the option Prompt for new parameter values and click OK.

NOTE: If hitting the F5 key does not bring up the Refresh Report Data window, try left clicking inside the Crystal Reports window and hitting F5 again.


11. An Enter Values screen will be displayed. The next five steps will outline what each of the values represent and their proper usage.


12. In the first two fields enter the Starting Required Date, and the Ending Required Date.

NOTE: The Required Date value is the same as the Conversion Date.

NOTE: The Required/Conversion dates will be used to only pull PO's for the given time frame.

NOTE: To only retrieve PO's for a single Required/Conversion date, enter the same date in both fields.


13. In the next sections, enter the Starting Vendor and Ending Vendor values.

NOTE: If the same vendor is selected, only PO's for that vendor will be returned.

NOTE: If multiple vendors are selected, all vendors alphabetically between the two vendors. will be returned. For instance, selecting Vendor-A and Vendor-D, will also return PO's for Vendor-B and Vendor-C.

NOTE: Entering AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA for the Starting Vendor value, and ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ for the Ending Vendor value, will return all vendor PO's for that conversion period.


14. The next field, Enter the Exhibitor, should not need to be modified in normal operations. It will default to the Exhibitor that the Project Manager is assigned to. Project Managers only need to verify that the Exhibitor listed is correct prior to continuing.

NOTE: Access to Exhibitor data is limited to each Project Manager. If an Exhibitor is selected that the PM is not authorized for, no data will be returned.


15. Enter a Starting PONumber value and an Ending PONumber value. This feature provides an additional level of granularity, in addition to filtering by Required/Conversion date, to be used when printing PO's.

NOTE: If the same PO number is entered in both fields, only that PO will be returned. This assumes that the Required/Conversion date, and Vendor, also match the PO nummbers.

*NOTE: If two different PO values are entered, all PO's numerically between the two values will be returned. For instance, selecting PO100001 and PO100004, will also return PO's numbered PO100002 and PO100003. This assumes that the Required/Conversion date, and Vendor, also match the PO numbers.

NOTE: Entering AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA for the Starting PONumber value, and ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ for the Ending PONumber value, will return all vendor PO's for that conversion period.


16. As with the Enter the Exhibitor field, the Buyer field should not need to be modified. Project Managers only need to verify that their name is listed in the buyer field.

17. Once all fields have been filled out, click the OK button.


18. A list of all corresponding PO's will be displayed.

19. The total number of pages will be listed at the top-right of the screen. Use the arrow buttons to scroll through and view the additional pages as needed.


20. To create an electronic file to distribute to vendors, go to File->Export->Export Report.


21. Select the option PDF in the Format field.

22. Click OK.


23. In most cases, the Page range option can be left on the default of All. If only a certain page range is needed, the Page Range option can be selected and the From and To ranges entered.

24. Click OK when done.


25. Use the window on the left to navigate to the appropriate location to save the PO file.

26. Type a name for the PO file in the File Name field.

27. Click Save when done.


28. When completed, go to File->Exit to close Crystal Reports.



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